
By accessing our website or services, you agree to abide by this agreement.

1. Definition
The word website, site, movement, campaign (online or offline), we, our, etc. refer to shrimatianitadevifoundation and its workings, including, its associated partners, agents, employees, franchisee and associates, etc. until unless context otherwise.
Shrimatianitadevifoundation IS NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO), that is, a group of individuals gathered peacefully for a lawful cause.
The word attendee, participant, member, user, viewer, visitor, you, your, etc. refers to the individual or group of individuals or entity that is participating in our campaigns or/ and using any of our platforms (online or offline) in any way or any manner, including but not limited to accessing our website, social media pages, attending our gatherings, events, etc.
This agreement starts from the date, you start using our website or platform or working.

2. Authority
You confirm that you are of legal age and authorized to use our platform in compliance with all laws and legal aspects in relation to this agreement and to the place you live in. Also you ensure that you are completely responsible for all the consequences that are the result or part of using our services and movement shall not hold responsible for any aspect in anyway or any manner.

3. Law and Venue
All legal matters related to use of our services and platform is strictly limited to Vaishali, Bihar, India. The terms of use of our platform are government by the laws of Bihar state of India.

4. Payment Terms
All payment including gifts, supports, donations, purchases, etc made to us are non-refundable at all cases, though we reserve complete rights to refund the complete or any part of the paid amount at our sole discretion.
All payments made in any currency are considered as paid in INR all time. The invoices thus generated are in INR always.

5. Delivery
The services (if any) including promotional purchases, are delivered to user as per the commitments made on quotations or prices shown on our platform (online or offline) or informed by movement or their agents or representative.
There might be delay or cancellation in delivery of service and at such cases, we will not be liable to pay any refund, since all payment made to us are non-refundable at all cases. Users are advised to use their wise decision before making the payment all time.

6. Privacy Policy
We collect all kind of data possible while using our services. All data collected while using our services in online or offline mode are subjected to all lawful uses that we can do with that data as per existing laws of India.

7. Defamation
You ensure that, if you don’t like our aims and workings, you may discontinue using our platform or services immediately, though, you will not be allowed to post any negative comment or review in any platform (online or offline) or not allowed to give negative opinions about our working to anyone in personal or public. Also, you will be legally not allowed to do any act, that will harm our reputation or/ and business in anyway or any manner. Doing so, will enable us to raise a legal suit to claim defamation loss from you.

8. Modifications
We reserve complete right to modify any or all terms and conditions in this agreement, with or without notice as per our sole discretion. In case, of amendments, the amended terms and conditions will be applied to all old as well as new cases, thereof.

9. Termination
This agreement cannot be terminated from user side, though, we reserves the complete right to terminate this agreement from their side, with or without notice and can ban or restrict user from using our services. At all such cases, the amount paid by user, if any, will be non-refundable.

10. Notices
You are required to send all notices in any aspect of grievance or legal or breach of this agreement to us by post and email both on the contact details given herein this agreement. Though, we may serve you the notice by any mode, post or email or WhatsApp.